Monday, March 9, 2009

Over the Top

Another weekend went by, and yes I drank a tad bit too much and had too much fun.... Oh well. The prospect of just being a nice little house mouse holds no interest for me anymore.

We went to Stephen's 30'th birthday part. It was particularly fun since Stephen always said he would never live to be 30. The clock catches us all in the end! I invited a few of my friends. I think everyone had a good time. Steph stayed sober and serious all night but I sure didn't. The party was great. Brynn did an amazing job setting the whole thing up.

I'm back to tutoring although I'm not entirely sure why. I do enjoy helping people and a few bucks on the side has been nice. Partially, it keeps me from wandering off track. With Steph gone most nights and Rachel and Devin all but grown, I have googles of alone time. Steph says I should join a rec league. Yeah Right! With spring, options should open up. I may seriously take up mountain biking. We shall see.

Well I'm off to finish my taxes. Oh what fun. I've been told that I cannot drink until the weekends... we'll see how that goes... ;-)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Long Weekend at the Motel

Well it has been an eventful and busy weekend at "Motel Irvin". We have had about 5 people here at all times. Cheyenne was "thrown out" by her dad, Devin was "thrown out" by his girlfriend, and Chantell is along for the ride. It's a good thing Steph went shopping this weekend because it has been an eating frenzy. Our house looks like we threw a massive party and no one bothered to clean up afterwards!

We have had fun though. On Saturday, we went to my buddy Tom's house and partied with some interesting east side folks. Last night we went to Sarah's house to watch football, although I don't think most of us cared about the game. It's good for Steph and I to expand our social network.

Rachel has been snowboarding every day (and some nights). She is gone again today. I guess the pass was a good present.

Today I would like to make some serious progress on the business plan. I have been working on it all morning. At a certain level, this all still feels like a giant pipe dream. I think it will only become real if and when the bank approves the loan. Wish me luck!